Here and Now

Behind the scenes of the media industry: I am a student in jounalism in a combined program with the University of Ottawa and La Cite Collegiale. I have finished my second year and am preparing to transfer to the applied stage of my degree.

I would like to offer some of my knowlegde and reflexions regarding the media and the press (in Canada, mainly) over the next few months. This is also an occasion for me to review with you the main notions of media studies; these notions will be necessary to the course I am in the process of preparing for next year's Enrichment Mini-Courses at the University.

Reading up: To refresh my memory on some of the fundamentals of journalism I made a trip to the library and found a couple of interesting books.

Le metier de journaliste by Pierre Sormany: An excellent manual-type book exploring the ideals and realities of working as a journalist. He also goes relatively deep in the different genres of news articles, titling technique, catchy heading writing and other writing tips. He also deals with how to do research more effectively and how to work with sources.

Questions d'ethique: Jusqu'ou peuvent aller les journalistes? by H. Aubin, P. Beaugrand-Champagne, C. Beaulieu, J-V. Dufresne, L. Falardeau, G. Lamarche and A. Saint-Jean: Written for a journalism association in Quebec (Federation des journalistes du Quebec - FPJQ) this guide is quite helpful to get the best methods to keep yourself out of trouble in working as a journalist. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when treating news and sometimes it may be easy to put your foot in your mouth. This book deal with a series of ethical questions relative to specific themes and are then answered by the writers. This book helps have a general view of what is acceptable and what is not, and how to avoid difficult situations on the job.

There will certainly be more literature added to this list in the following weeks, as I advance in my readings.


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